Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saving the Cubans at Sea

I found it appalling when I saw our first Royal Caribbean Cuban rescue. The 9 or so people on this tiny little raft trying to escape their country because the situation has gottne that bad where possible death was the better solution. They were either dead, unconscious, cold, wet, hungry, thirsty, begging for help after being 4 days or so at sea. Really hanging on their last thread. They were using their filthy baseball caps to put out the water coming in to the raft. You could tell that more water was coming in then they would throw out.
After seeing that scene up close I vowed to never visit Cuba and support what they are doing to innocent civilians. Those people were brought back to their country by the US Coast guard and probably shot dead for trying to escape that hell. If I were in their shoes, I would also rather die trying.

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