So this is just basically what I have been thinking about these days. I have been trying so many new things lately. I feel that before I was so closed off to things like dating, because I wanted to just find myself through the chaotic world we live in. I felt I had been through so much that I didn't want to reopen stitched up wounds. It's funny how life plays out. You are here one moment and the next you are somewhere you never anticipated. You think you know where you're going but life has a different plan for you.
Although I had no idea I would be here today, I am very happy with how my life turned out. I discovered a secret years ago and utilized it to it's full potential. Even though sometimes I had no idea I was using it, it all paid off in the end.
What is the craziest thing to me is how fast we are all growing up. Upon a nostalgic moment with friends, we realized that we are where we were talking about as children. Seeing of us are getting married and/or having kids. Some of us are just now starting to build a career. Some of us are already there. Although some people are weary of growing old, I am quite enjoying it. I love the wisdom and the passion I get every passing day.
I discovered long ago that the secret to enjoying life is to just let it be and most of all be GRATEFUL for everything that you DO have. Gratitude promises you a life full of happiness and everything you could possibly ever imagine. I learned that getting rid of what isn't working and replacing it with your dreams is how you come to find yourself. My perfect example of that is my traveling. I knew that I wanted to travel the world but I didn't have a clue on how I was going to do it. I just began to buy every traveling book and planning my trip as though I was going to leave tomorrow. Everyone thought I was crazy. I wanted it so bad that the universe gave in and gifted me with wealth and travels. The universe is going to give you whatever you ask for. In return you must be grateful.
Remember that whatever you want in life is already yours. Be thankful for everyday you wake up and everyday you lay to rest. Be thankful for the amazing people in your life. Be thankful for your health and wealth. Be thankful that you are unique and you were put on earth for a purpose.
I want to finally say how thankful that I am to have found someone so amazing to share my life with. I am thankful that I was finally ready to accept that someday soon I will be a wife. I am grateful for all that the universe blessed us with and the beautiful memories that will fill our walls and our hearts.
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