Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our Legacy

This is my Great Grand-Father and my Great Grand-Mother.
As I was visiting a museum yesterday, I couldn't help but notice the headings on all the old photographs exposed. Some said "Frank's Dry Goods Store" and some had the names of old streets or neighbourhoods. This got me thinking about my life, and other people's lives. All the people in these photographs had a life at one point in which they created. They had jobs, bought things, drove cars, and lived in a house much like the one I was standing in.
I realized at that point, one day, that will be me. My pictures are going to become old photographs, and my memories will become old stories. That the books we are reading will be great literature and also that our inventions will become antiques. One day, hopefully a long time from now, I will be but a distant memory for someone that I knew, or maybe a stranger for someone looking at the photographs of my life and accomplishments. The legacy of my grand-parents were my parents, the legacy of my parents will be my brother and I, and my legacy will be carried through my children.

Not that long ago it seems, people who are now gone, were us, while we didn't exist yet. Now we are in their shoes. In a blink of an eye, you will become an old photograph hanging on a wall in a museum that strangers will be admiring.

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