Sunday, May 06, 2012


You know, the smallest thing can change a life. In the blink of an eye, something happens by chance - and when you least expect it. Since we're on a course that we could have never planned, into a future we could have never imagined. Where will it take you? That's the journey of our lives; our search for the light. But sometimes, finding the light means you must past through the deepest darkness. At least, that's how it was for me.

You sometimes live a life that you always thought you wanted until you start living it and realize that it's not what you wanted at all. Figuring our future and making our own paths into the light can sometimes make you feel despair, but true happiness is never too far. It's like the love/hate scenario. Simplicity- a word that is familiar to us, but few know it, feel it, or live it.

Life just comes all of a sudden, unexpectedly, just like a lightning bolt and hits us right in the heart. Once we lose people we love, we learn to appreciate life more. We live for them, every moment as though it was our last. Many people ask all kinds of questions pertaining to traveling from cost and worth to how do you do it. I say cost and worth are two different things. Cost means nothing when it comes to worth. The worthiness of my travels means more than anything, therefore, it's priceless. My freedom of going wherever my heart pleases creates this peace inside and that's how I know I am on the right path. Things in my life have happened by chance and some by fate. All of which is intertwined into one beautiful life, the life that I live everyday in complete delight. So maybe traveling is not for you and that's fine. The journey of life we are all on is about finding what makes YOU happy and content, then you can say you have lived your life. Even if it's the simplest thing such as a red velvet cupcake. Do the things that make you feel exhilerated and whole. Feel gratified and fulfilled in moments of silence and enjoy words when they are needed. Most of all share all your best moments in life with the people you cherish most. Finally know- know that you cannot control fate, things happen sometimes whether you want them or not, and you need to take it all with grace because its your unplanned path. Those always make the best memories, the unexpected ones!

Photo by Julie-Anne Pocock

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