Monday, February 06, 2012

The Best Things in Life Come at the Worst Times...

Everytime you meet someone new your perception about life shifts and changes a little. This led me to thinking about how different people come in to your life. Sometimes they are there till the end, sometimes just briefly, or sometimes you lose people you truly loved to death; but either way they all came in to your life to teach you something.

I started reflecting on my own life and how I lost several friends to death which led me to live, to laugh, and to love everyday to the fullest so I  could enjoy my time here on earth. I severed ties with some friends because I learned that you cannot trust everyone that comes your way and some just don't have your best interest at heart. I have friends that I have known since I could remember and they taught me no matter the distance or the lenght of time without a single conversation, our friendship will always be true. Finally I have friends whom I worked with from all over the world that have taught me good people sometimes have to leave and this is where I truly learned patience is a virtue. Some of them you see again and some you don't as they become a distant memory in your thoughts.

Some of those friends are family and loved ones. I couldn't believe how much of an impact one can have on an individual's life. Sometimes your values change and sometimes your aspired dreams do. But, I've come to learn that success is always better shared. Does life really have meaning without the things you love doing and the people you love and cherish?

I have also come to learn from this that people change you and your views everyday whether be life changing or not. It's okay to let it as long as they are positive changes to all the parties involved. If you let change enter your life, you might be surprised of the outcome. It takes a lot of courage but in the end well worth it! So take it as it is and go with the flow. Lessons are always to be learned and today is a present which is always a surprise. Things always have a way to work themselves out in the end.

This is a quote that I have already mentioned in my blog before and have come to find out it holds truth:
"The best things in life come at the worst time. Your success is measured by how well you embrace the situation."

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