Monday, December 05, 2011

Practical Gypsy- Finding Time to Travel

I know most people are wondering how they can find time to travel, and feel they can't because of prior engagements. I wanted to list a few  reasons how you can still travel and see the world while possibly still be making money for all your expenses.

You can educate and organize more time off. All around the world, mandatory allowances of time for rest and limiting working hours have resulted in political conflict. Most employments require you to work fourty hour work week with limited vacation time. In Europe you get 4-8 weeks of vacation which entitles them to travel more. If individual workers and voters made it an issue, things might change.

You can also travel while working as a temporary, freelancer, or contractor. It's easy to reorganize work you already have and now contingent workers make up 10-15 percent of the work force in the United States. You can do your job anywhere around the world. There are endless possibilities.

Work abroad in a seasonal occupation. If you are off during the summer or winter months, go away and explore other fields or work in your own. Follow your dreams and do a job that you always wanted to but in your country the pay is terrible. 

You can also be employed for a school, college, or university in another country. This trend is becoming more popular. This is also an amazing opportunity to discover more of the real life activities of the people native to that country.

Take a sabbatical; which is common for proffesors and exist for some teachers. You still get paid and you get to travel. Now sabbaticals aren't limited to just teaching. More formal and informal programs are available for granting. So really explore your options.

Take an unpaid leave of absence. You can ask your employer what your options are and sell your travels as a no-lose, you pay everything, they will value from all your new skills, type situation. Why would they say no? Even if traveling has nothing to do with your job, let them know that when you return, you would rather work for them than anyone else.

Finally, simply quit your job and get a better one when you return. People like comfortability. Get out of that zone and realise that there are many jobs out there, whether be in your home town, in a different town, for your friends, and the list goes on. You will have so many new experiences to put on your resume when you return that it will all be worth while.

Remember, you can always work while abroad in some countries. Explore your options and you will see that they are endless.

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