Sunday, December 18, 2011

2011 was an Epic Year!

I guess it's time that I write this blog. When the ball dropped on January 1st, 2011 I knew that it was going to be a life changing year for me. I knew that I was going to do big things and see great places. This year was truly epic in every sense of the word.

Then I set out globe-trotting because it had been a life long dream of mine and also for many other reasons. I am fortunate enough to live in a country where traveling is an easy option if we choose to. I wanted to really live and experience the adventure traveling brings to a soul. I always say; travel broadens the mind.

This year I learned so much from people who come from over 77 different countries. I got to ask them questions that I knew I would get a first-hand perspective on. I got to eat foreign cuisine and enjoyed foreign cultures. I got to meet the most amazing and influencial people, and enjoyed so many excursions. I really got out of my comfort zone and lived.

I set out to find out who I was and what I wanted in life to really discover that finding out those things is a life long journey. I learned what I needed to learn for this part of my life, but I know, and look forward to discovering the rest in years to come.

Before all this began, I was a pack-mulling hauler and would bring 2 suitcases overnight. I learned that you can bring whatever you like but it all has a cost. I can even put it as a back-breaking cost. I learned to pack light and really bring almost nothing. The little you have you cling to because your survival depends upon it. You look at people who live with next to nothing and wonder why you brought that pair of shoes when you wore the same ones the whole time.

Travel brings life lessons no matter where you go. You really appreciate the beauty of your own country once you come back. You realise that most countries are just like yours, and that we aren't so different afterall. You are constantly aware of your surroundings and alert with your own thoughts. I must confess that you also feel like you won the lottery when you are in the most beautiful places in the world.

I know for a fact that 2012 will be an even more epic year. The traveling that is coming my way are all dream locations of mine. The new amazing people I will meet throughout my journey who will help me grow as an individual in society. The humanitarian work I aspire to do. The one life that I would like to change for the better. Finally, the self discovery journey I am about to uncover which might shed light on what is to come next in my life. I really want to live for those who can't. I want to live just in case I die young. No regrets; a free for all adventure because it's where I'm meant to be.

Happy New Year and make it an epic year yourselves doing whatever you dream of doing. Life is too short not to.

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