Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Welcome to my Cabin 4221!

 My bed and my luggage! I was leaving to come vacation in Canada!
 My shower!
 My shower, sink, and my toilet. I can brush my teeth while taking a shower! Just kidding!
 My sink! Doubles as an ice bucket, a kitchen sink, and a laundry sink!
 My safe and shelves!
 My life saving device! Never came in handy, but I can't say I am sad to tell you that!
 My empty shoe organizer! I miss it! Yes, had to leave it behind! Did come in handy though!
 My closets! There was never enough room!
My 13 inch television with my 10 channels that replay the same movies and shows over, and over, and over, you get the point!

Had many great memories in that room. Some might say that it's small but it was my home for a long time. Home in every sense. I had a new family onboard and it became my home. Many memories that will be remembered and cherished forever!

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