Thursday, September 29, 2011

Meryem Ana Evi - Turkey

Meryem Ana Evi means Mother Mary's House. You can find this sanctuary in Ephesus, Turkey. It's all part of a much greater mystery; that of the place where Mary lived after the death and ascension of her son, Jesus. Research up to this day has still not proven fully all the details in Mary's life since and throughout her existence as she carefully tried to stay concealed. Passages of the Gospel seem to suggest that Mary came to this haven in Ephesus and made it her final resting place.

Many scriptures suggest that Mary and John lived in Ephesus which were theories from the 1st-6th centuries ecclesiastical writings. The 7th century theory that Mary died in Jerusalem doesn't fit the story and discoveries of the house-chapel, archeology, pilgrimages, and information all found in the 19th century.

This Holy house-chapel is visited by millions around the world. It's so peaceful and serene. Many go to pray, ask Mary for something, or just to admire the true beauty of this old stone chapel. As you enter you cannot take any pictures out of respect. You see the layout of where she spent her last days. You light a candle in honor of Meryem Ana. The silence is almost deafening, in assumption that everyone is thinking about how blessed they are standing where Meryem Ana stood.

I stood there almost in disbelief that I was really there, filling hand-made potery of her Holy water. Seeing how many letters people had written her, or prayers requested in her honor. It was peaceful, really, honestly, peaceful. I believe it gave people meaning to their lives. It gave meaning to mine.

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