Sunday, September 25, 2011

And remember, you're the only one who can and will for the rest of your life...

In late february, 2o11, I met the most eccentric, adventurous man of my life. Antwan became one of the most influential person in my life. He really became like a brother to me.

I learned so much from Antwan. He thought me that every moment in life is a present. He really pushed himself to be better at everything and I aspired that.

We had many adventures together which I appreciate now more than ever.

Antwan one day decided to help me bring half of my shopping bags back to the ship. I agreed because I already had about 10 bags that were pretty heavy.
I met Captain Erik at the shuttles bringing us back to the ship in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He told me I had lots of stuff. I replied: "I know, but Antwan has more of my stuff". He couldn't believe it. I finally got back to the ship and decided to take a nap after my spa appointment. While napping I heard a knock at my door. I figured it was probably Antwan with the rest of my stuff.
He comes in frantic telling me he has a story for me...without my stuff. I listened as he told me the cinematic version of what occured at the shuttles.
He apparently put my stuff in a taxi and told the driver to hold on one moment. The driver took off with all my stuff, as if it came right out of a hollywood movie. Antwan then proceeded to run after the cab in hopes to catch up with it. Judging by my missing bags, I figured he didn't run fast enough.
I couldn't stop laughing because I really thought these things only happen in movies.

Later that evening, I saw the Captain at diner. I told him the story of Antwan and my missing stuff as he laughed in disbelief. During formal night on the promenade, the Captain happened to walk by Antwan desk. I was standing beside him as the Captain asked me if that was the guy who got my stuff stolen. Antwan turned around and said: "You told the Captain!". I started laughing because it was the funniest thing that happened that day forsure.

Antwan has the gift of making me laugh in every situation. He is the best listener I have ever met. Sometimes it can get pretty hard being so isolated from the world you knew.

Another funny moment was during formal night after work. I proceeded to the back deck with all the staff and crew to have a couple drinks. I bought a bottle of wine for a couple of us to share. It happened to be Latin Night so people were dancing salsa. I love to dance so for me it was a great night.

I remember that night being so hot and humid. Antwan finally came and met up with me. We agreed to dance. We were dancing for probably a good 15 minutes, until he started spinning me around and around. It was probably the fouth time and both of my feet slipped in a damp spot on the dance floor. My face came crashing down as my legs went up in my white Greecian gown. I slid of my face across the dance floor and finished head first in our stage.

Antwan came running to me holding in a laugh until he knew I was okay. I got up laughing and hoping someone had caught it on camera. No one did. Few saw what actually had just occured.

Antwan became a brother. We have countless times that were equally as funny as those two events. His stories were riveting, his magic was in dire need of help. Despite all his efforts to figure out my magic tricks, I don't think he figured it out. His intelligence was second to none.

Before leaving, Antwan had drawn me a picture of a frog with the words that read: " And remember, you're the only one who can and will for the rest of your life".

I hope one day Wisconsin, we will meet again!

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