Sunday, June 29, 2014

Half Way

I never thought in a million years that I would be sitting here today writing a book about life, lessons, struggles, and accomplishments. As I am going through these moments I realize that life hasn't always been easy, but it's always been worth it. Even now I have struggles, either real or made-up. After graduation, I felt a lost inside. I felt as though I wasn't sure what was next. I wasn't sure how much time I had to figure it all out. It's the first time in my life where I really couldn't see my path clearly.

I was trying to seek advice, solace, knowledge, and direction with no avail. I tried prayer, meditation, yoga, and exercise, but still couldn't find the answer I had been searching for. That's when I realize that maybe I'm not suppose to know what's next. Maybe being where I am today is where I'm meant to be. My career choice hadn't been all I'd hoped for, but I knew that is always something I could change. I think a lot of what I felt, people feel all the time after graduation from a post-secondary institution. I started realizing that it's okay to not know what's next. Just roll with it and always keep an eye open for new and exciting opportunities. New adventures are always close by and it's our responsibility to realize whether to take it or not. I thought upon graduating that I had to have a job lined up which would be my "forever career," and now I realize more than ever that I really should have taken my time to explore what I love. After all, it's your passion that is your destiny.

I learned that you should never rush or expedite anything because of society tells you. I am not saying to flounder forever and sit at home doing nothing. I am saying to use your time wisely after graduation. Take a year to work at a non-profit, volunteer, work in something you love, or even try something new and unexpected. Set goals and accomplish them.

I also realize that you must take everything you do as a learning opportunity, even if you didn't like it as much as you thought you would. Make sure to learn as much as possible and take that away at least. It's not always easy, but there is always something positive that comes out of negative situations.

To all those who are feeling that way and just graduated, take pride in knowing that you followed through with it and you succeeded. Now time for some well-deserved "you-time."

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