Monday, April 23, 2012

Trip Around the Sun

Sometimes in life things don't always pan out the way you want, or you finally accept that your fate be this way and not that. Then you come to realize that you can't always explain everything. I have been home for just over a month now and at first it was the best feeling. I really felt like I belonged here more than anything. Now I want nothing more than to go back to work around the world and experience more. I have my whole life to settle down and choose who I want to spend my life with. Why do I have to do that now?

My life thus far has been quite the adventure and I know what I know from traveling and I behave a certain way because of traveling and life experiences. I am an amazing traveler and I love it because it gives me peace in my heart, brings joy to my life, and I get to meet the most amazing people all while getting to know their life story in about five minutes.

My life without traveling wouldn't be my own. I know that scuba diving all over the world is what I am meant to do as well as working hard and playing hard. Life brings you in such unexpected places sometimes with no order. I know if I keep my head up and never be beat down I will come out successful.

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