Sunday, December 04, 2011

Practical Gypsy- Reason Why People Travel

I wanted to start off my Practical Gypsy blog about why people should travel and why people actually travel. Traveling, as I always say, broadens the mind. You get to see things that are not familiar and you get to experience things that are out of your comfort zone. It is 100% necessary that you do it, for yourself, for others, and for your future. Learning about other countries is fine, but experiencing those countries is another ball game.

I wanted to talk a little bit about why one would travel. So here is the list I have compiled. World travel is fun, it will be your best learning experience, it is a great investment of time and money you will ever make in your own career or for your children's education. World travel changes you, changes your life for the better, it's a lot easier than you think, it's way more affordable than you think, you won't have to compromise comfort or convenience. World travel is for women, men, children of all ages, occupation, background, culture, and religion. Finally, it can be the best adventure in your life if you decide to just do it!

Many people decide to travel because it had been their long held dream to, or journeying into adult life. It could also be their final gift to themselves before they settle down, get married, and have kids. For some, it's an escape from life, and finally the reason people travel, which is the most common of all for Americans is to simply vacation. Vacationing is great but it doesn't give you the chance to really know a country because your time is limited, and you would probably rather spend it on the beach relaxing. Take time out of your life and go for an extended vacation.

Final fact, Europe has a longer vacation time than Americans, which allows them more freedom to explore other surrounding countries or even countries abroad.

So start packing, this is your only life in which you can explore the world you live in!

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