Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remembrance Day, Lest We Never Forget!

 These pictures above and below are taken in Turkey.

 These pictures above and below are taken in Spain.
Remembrance day has come and we need to remember all who have given up their lives to fight for our freedom. When I got to spend time in Europe, that was on my mind everyday, the fact that I was standing where war invaded and occupied it's land. The soldiers who fought blood, sweat, and tears for change. The courage, strenght, and patriotism those men had, to want, and have to leave all loved ones behind to perhaps never return. All those who have survived and are forever haunted by what they saw at war. This is to past soldiers who have died, past soldiers who have survived, present soldiers, and future soldiers, we will forever remember this day which marks the end of World War II at 11 a.m. Keep doing the amazing work you are doing with that same passion past soldiers had. I must confess, I was so proud to be French Canadian when I seen those poppies. They were so beautiful and held a much greater meaning to me than any other flowers.
So take that moment of silence and really reflect on what you have because of those men and women who fought for your life.

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