Thursday, October 06, 2011

C'est un Mal pour un Bien!

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
― Marilyn Monroe

I guess it's about time I talk about why I suddenly packed up my life to go globe-trotting. This is a very personal blog to me, but I am ready to share it. It all starts off with this quote. Everything happends for a reason....I had an amazing job, an awesome apartment in the city, a closet full of designer labels, an incredible program in College, but it was still not enough.

I have had ten friends pass away within the last three years. Shocking, right? I felt like I really needed to live my life before my time ran out. I felt as though if I died tomorrow, I wouldn't feel complete satisfaction with the choices I made in life. I felt like I could have done more. So I did. Instead of debating all of this and making a rational decision, I decided to pack up my life and start a new chapter.

I embarked in this year of travel. I wanted to start off with the south, make my way accross the Atlantic, do Europe and neighbouring countries, then finish off the year with my family in Canada. I met remarkable people from over 100 different countries, ate things I never thought in a million years I would eat, did things that surprised even myself, and was fortunate enough to be able to cherish cultures, history, and religions.

If I would have a chance to re-do this past year, I wouldn't change one thing. All the memories that we made were all worth the joys and sadness they might have come with. Deciding to find out who I really am and what I want in life didn't come without a price. I had to make some of the hardest decisions in my life. Sacrifice is one of the first things I learned to appreciate.

I also learned so many things throughout my travels. Especially my first month where I realized that not everyone is as fortunate as I am. There were people who worked and sent every paycheck home to support their families. They had to be there. I was there to find myself and have more experience under my belt. These people were doctors in their countries, worked so hard just to get a small paycheck because in their countries they would get paid next to nothing. That is just one of the many lessons I have learned over the past year.

Many probably ask themselves, have I found myself yet? I don't think so. I mean, I believe that I have learned what I needed to in this stage of my life to move on to the next. I think in every stage of your life you have to learn certain lessons. I can't say fully that I have found myself because that's a life long journey, but I know I learned to push my own boundaries and leave my comfort zone.

I have definitely learned to appreciate the small things in life, whether that be a view, people, activities, groups, friendships, bonds, our tiny rooms, cultures, religion, ethnics, races, languages, food, water, family, the sun, and how little one needs to survive. In other words, I decided to live for my friends and family who couldn't due to the simple fact that their lives were cut short. I have learned to live, to laugh, and to love with all my heart and never look back. I have witnessed things that were miracles and a step back in humanity. Only few could ever relate.

I am still in search of what is to come next in my life. I have just begun to travel and see the world. I promise to document as much of it as I can, just in case I die young.

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