While I was away traveling the world, I knew I wanted to try anything I could get my hands on, and legal. I knew for sure that I wanted to try Scuba Diving. On The ship I informed myself at the Sea Trek desk. The two people working were such great help. I signed up right away. Within a month I was certified.
I have found this re-newed passion for life. I loved it so much I did the next 3 levels. Perhaps it offers me the serenity I seek in life. My life is so hectic that the complete silence helps me think about me and what I want in life. I felt so compassionate for the fish. There is so much pollution in our Oceans. I really like to stress how we should keep our Oceans blue.
I met so many amazing people diving, you know who you are. You guys were fantastic in giving me one-on-one hands on lessons. I love you guys. I went diving in Mexico, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Corsica, and Athens. I plan on diving in Australia, South Africa, and wherever else life leads me. We saw all kinds of fish and corals. The colors were so vivid. The fish were multicolored to patterned. Despite the surface being calm, underneath is a different story. The busy lifestyle of the fish keep you guessing as to what will happen next. I seen little tiny fish scare away the big ones.
I also got stung by a jelly fish. It felt like a blow torch was burning my arm. The salt water made it better. After coming out of the water I just put a little calmine lotion and it felt better. My arm was suddenly blue and red after the sting. I never saw the jelly fish who got me but by the size of my sting, it felt like it wasn’t that big. I was so happy to say that I got stung by a jelly fish.
Life underwater is un-explainable. To this day being underwater is probably my most favorite place to be in the world.