Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Reflection

Every good story starts from the heart. It's been five years since I started telling my story as it unfolded. I've started chronicling my journey in 2011 and if then, you were to tell me where I would be today as I sit here writing to you all, I would have told you, you're lying.

I do a reflection every year, so this naturally is my fifth one. Last year, 2014, was a difficult year and it presented many challenges. I faced many bumps in the road, but really tried to face them all with grace. There were unforgettable memories also, so I at least have those to be thankful for. Without them, I wouldn't be where I am in 2015.

This year, 2015, we celebrated our first wedding anniversary and I became a mother. Words cannot describe how it felt giving birth and holding this tiny little precious gift in my arms. We became parents for the first time ever and suddenly your whole world changes and gets turned upside down, in the best way possible. Emotions flooded my body in a way that I have never felt before. The only day comparable to it was the day I married her father, my soul mate.

This year, we also welcomed our second nephew into the world. I had the pleasure of being there for my sister-in-law and what an experience it was. I was well into my pregnancy when this happened so it was a huge eye opener to what I was about to endure and go through for our little baby. Overall, it went great and I was so thankful to have a healthy baby. They are only 3 months apart so it's fantastic knowing she will have a best friend right from the start. It was fun seeing them enjoy their first Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. They even seen the new year come, which is just a blessing for our families.

The past year was about family and spending time together. It was about removing the negative people in our lives and making more time for the positive ones. It was about reaching out to others and helping out whenever we could. We spent less time on social media and more time playing games. I even learned how to play chess, which i'm not good at yet, but i'll try to get better. This year was about the tangible experiences as well as the intangible ones too.

In 2015, we also had the privilege of going on vacation to Mexico. We went there as a last getaway before the baby got here. It was amazing. We visited the Mayan ruins, Tulum, and stayed there all day. The views were breathtaking. We visited Cenotes, which was another once-in-a-lifetime experience.

This upcoming year in 2016, I want to do something new yet again. I am going to be welcoming of new things and change. With the bad economy all over the world, it's a given that sometimes things can change. I also want to embrace uncertainty, because as my past journeys have showed me, uncertain times bring you the best memories. With that being said, it's appropriate that I make an effort to keep working on and speak Spanish and Italian.

I would also like to simplify everything I do this year. Over the last 3 months, I have sold countless things we thought we "needed" in our daily lives, but have seldom used it. I want to learn to live with less and consume less. Instead I vow to make more simple memories with family and friends. I have learned that it's amazing how much you really need to live a healthy life.

Speaking of a healthy life, I will make an effort to buy more local and in-season groceries and produce. I will also make an effort planning certain things and letting other stuff go un-planned. I like to be spontaneous so I will feed that desire this year. I would also lie to organize and declutter more this year and making it a habit of doing so daily, instead of one or two big purges. Finally, I would like to see my books come to fruition this year by trying to complete both works. I have waited long enough.

Finally, this year is again all about family. I vow to experience everything through our child's eyes because when everything is new, everything is great and exciting. Sometimes you need that simple moment to really appreciate life and get back to basics. I also want to interview my maternal grand-mother about my great grand-parents and herself. I want to enjoy deeper, meaningful conversations that make you reflect.

This year is dedicated to a simple life and making memories with those you love. Cheers! Happy New Year 2016!

Bisou xo

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